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[{"id":20141,"new":"<em>Corridors<\/em> shall be fire-resistance rated in accordance with Table 1020.1. The <em>corridor<\/em> walls required to be fire-resistance rated shall comply with Section 708 for <em>fire partitions<\/em>.<br \/><br \/>In addition, corridors in buildings of Types IIB, IIIB, and VB construction and assigned Risk Categories III and IV in Table 1604.5, other than Group I, shall have a fire resistance rating of not less than 1 hour where such buildings are any of the following:<br \/><br \/><ol><li>Assigned a Seismic Design Category C or D in Table 1613.3.5(1).<\/li>\n<li>Located in a flood hazard area established in accordance with Section 1612.3.<\/li>\n<li>Located in a <em>hurricane-prone regions<\/em>.<\/li>\n<\/ol><ul class=\"exception\"><li><strong>Exceptions:<\/strong><ol><li>A <em>fire-resistance rating<\/em> is not required for <em>corridors<\/em> in an occupancy in Group E where each room that is used for instruction has not less than one door opening directly to the exterior and rooms for assembly purposes have not less than one-half of the required <em>means of egress<\/em> doors opening directly to the exterior. Exterior doors specified in this exception are required to be at ground level.<\/li>\n<li>A <em>fire-resistance rating<\/em> is not required for <em>corridors<\/em> contained within a <em>dwelling unit<\/em> or <em>sleeping unit<\/em> in an occupancy in Groups I-1 and R.<\/li>\n<li>A <em>fire-resistance rating<\/em> is not required for <em>corridors<\/em> in <em>open parking garages<\/em>.<\/li>\n<li>A <em>fire-resistance rating<\/em> is not required for <em>corridors<\/em> in an occupancy in Group B that is a space requiring only a single <em>means of egress<\/em> complying with Section 1006.2.<\/li>\n<li><em>Corridors<\/em> adjacent to the <em>exterior walls<\/em> of buildings shall be permitted to have unprotected openings on unrated <em>exterior walls<\/em> where unrated walls are permitted by Table 602 and unprotected openings are permitted by Table 705.8.<\/li>\n<\/ol><\/li>\n<\/ul>","old":"<i>Corridors<\/i> shall be fire-resistance rated in accordance with Table 1020.1. The <i>corridor<\/i> walls required to be fire-resistance rated shall comply with Section 708 for <i>fire partitions<\/i>.<ul class=\"exception\"><li><b>Exceptions:<\/b><ol><li>A <i>fire-resistance rating<\/i> is not required for <i>corridors<\/i> in an occupancy in Group E where each room that is used for instruction has not less than one door opening directly to the exterior and rooms for assembly purposes have not less than one-half of the required <i>means of egress<\/i> doors opening directly to the exterior. Exterior doors specified in this exception are required to be at ground level.<\/li><li>A <i>fire-resistance rating<\/i> is not required for <i>corridors<\/i> contained within a <i>dwelling unit<\/i> or <i>sleeping unit<\/i> in an occupancy in Groups I-1 and R.<\/li><li>A <i>fire-resistance rating<\/i> is not required for <i>corridors<\/i> in <i>open parking garages<\/i>.<\/li><li>A <i>fire-resistance rating<\/i> is not required for <i>corridors<\/i> in an occupancy in Group B that is a space requiring only a single <i>means of egress<\/i> complying with Section 1006.2.<\/li><li><i>Corridors<\/i> adjacent to the <i>exterior walls<\/i> of buildings shall be permitted to have unprotected openings on unrated <i>exterior walls<\/i> where unrated walls are permitted by Table 602 and unprotected openings are permitted by Table 705.8.<\/li><\/ol><\/li><\/ul>","override":"<div class=\"codes-container\">\n<div class=\"code-section\">\n<div class=\"monograph-section-content-container\"><strong>1020.1&nbsp;Construction.<\/strong>&nbsp;<em>Corridors<\/em> shall be fire-resistance rated in accordance with Table 1020.1. The <em>corridor<\/em> walls required to be fire-resistance rated shall comply with Section 708 for <em>fire partitions<\/em>.<br class=\"diffmod\" \/><br \/><ins class=\"diffins\">In addition, corridors in buildings of Types IIB, IIIB, and VB construction and assigned Risk Categories III and I