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2016-07-12 16:58:19 -05:00
<p>The manufacturer of PEX tubing shall have marked the outside of the tubing with the thermoplastic material designation code in accordance with ASTM F876. The designation code shall consist of the abbreviation "PEX" followed by four digits. The first digit shall represent a chlorine resistance rating as established by testing in accordance with ASTM F876.</p>
<p>For PEX tubing complying with ASTM F876, the first digit folllowing "PEX" as marked on the tubing exterior shall be an indicator of the maximum service temperatures for which the PEX tubing can be used. The maximum service temperatures shall be as follows:<br /><br />1. Digit “0”: 73⁰F (23⁰C). <br /><br />2. Digit “1”: For not more that 25% of the time, greater than 73⁰F (23⁰C) and not exceeding140⁰F (60⁰C). For the remainder of the time, not greater than 73⁰F (23⁰C). <br /><br />3. Digit “3”: For not more that 50% of the time, greater than 73⁰F (23⁰C) and not exceeding 140⁰F (60⁰C). For the remainder of the time, not greater than 73⁰F (23⁰C). <br /><br />4. Digit “5”: 140⁰F (60⁰C). <br /><br /><br /></p>
<p><del class="diffmod">The manufacturer of</del><ins class="diffmod">For</ins> PEX tubing <del class="diffmod">shall have marked the outside of the tubing with the thermoplastic material designation code in accordance</del><ins class="diffmod">complying</ins> with ASTM F876<del class="diffmod">. The designation code</del><ins class="diffmod">, the first digit folllowing "PEX" as marked on the tubing exterior</ins> shall <del class="diffmod">consist</del><ins class="diffmod">be an indicator</ins> of the <del class="diffmod">abbreviation "</del><ins class="diffmod">maximum service temperatures for which the </ins>PEX<del class="diffmod">" followed by four digits</del><ins class="diffmod"> tubing can be used</ins>. The <del class="diffmod">first digit</del><ins class="diffmod">maximum service temperatures</ins> shall <del class="diffmod">represent a chlorine resistance rating</del><ins class="diffmod">be</ins> as <del class="diffmod">established by testing in accordance with ASTM F876</del><ins class="diffmod">follows:</ins><br / class="diffmod"><br /><ins class="diffmod">1</ins>.<ins class="diffins"> Digit “0”: 73⁰F (23⁰C). </ins><br / class="diffmod"><br /><ins class="diffins">2. Digit “1”: For not more that 25% of the time, greater than 73⁰F (23⁰C) and not exceeding140⁰F (60⁰C). For the remainder of the time, not greater than 73⁰F (23⁰C). </ins><br / class="diffmod"><br /><ins class="diffins">3. Digit “3”: For not more that 50% of the time, greater than 73⁰F (23⁰C) and not exceeding 140⁰F (60⁰C). For the remainder of the time, not greater than 73⁰F (23⁰C). </ins><br / class="diffmod"><br /><ins class="diffins">4. Digit “5”: 140⁰F (60⁰C). </ins><br / class="diffmod"><br /><br /></p>