Compliance with this section requires that the provisions identified in Sections R401 through R404 labeled as "mandatory" and Section R403.5.3 be met. The building thermal envelope shall be greater than or equal to levels of efficiency and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient in Table 402.1.1 or 402.1.3 of the 2009 <em>International Energy Conservation Code</em>.<ulclass="exception"><li><strong>Exception:</strong> Supply and return ducts not completely inside the building thermal envelope shall be insulated to a minimum of R-6.</li></ul>
<p>Compliance with this section requires that the provisions identified in Sections R401 through R404 labeled as "mandatory" and Section R403.5.3 shall be met. Fenestration U-factor and SHGC shall not exceed the maximum values for the climate zone set forth in Table R402.1.2. The remaining components of the building thermal envelope shall comply with either the minimum R-values or maximum U-factors for the climate zones specified in Table R402.1.2 and R402.1.4.</p>
<ulclass="exception"><li><strong>Exception:</strong> Supply and return ducts not completely inside the building thermal envelope shall be insulated to a minimum of R-6.</li>
<pclass="diffmod">Compliance with this section requires that the provisions identified in Sections R401 through R404 labeled as "mandatory" and Section R403.5.3 <insclass="diffins">shall </ins>be met. <insclass="diffins">Fenestration U-factor and SHGC shall not exceed the maximum values for the climate zone set forth in Table R402.1.2. </ins>The<insclass="diffins"> remaining components of the</ins> building thermal envelope shall <delclass="diffmod">be greater than</del><insclass="diffmod">comply with either the minimum R-values</ins> or <delclass="diffmod">equal to levels of efficiency and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient</del><insclass="diffmod">maximum U-factors for the climate zones specified</ins> in Table <delclass="diffmod">402.1.1 or 402.1.3 of the 2009 </del><emclass="diffmod"><delclass="diffmod">International Energy Conservation Code</del></em><insclass="diffmod">R402.1.2 and R402.1.4</ins>.</p><insclass="diffins"></ins><ulclass="exception"class="diff-list"><liclass="normal"><strong>Exception:</strong> Supply and return ducts not completely inside the building thermal envelope shall be insulated to a minimum of R-6.</li></ul>