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31 KiB

namespace Caxy\HtmlDiff;
class ListDiff extends HtmlDiff
* This is the minimum percentage a list item can match its counterpart in order to be considered a match.
* @var integer
protected static $listMatchThreshold = 35;
/** @var array */
protected $listWords = array();
/** @var array */
protected $listTags = array();
/** @var array */
protected $listIsolatedDiffTags = array();
/** @var array */
protected $isolatedDiffTags = array (
* List (li) placeholder.
* @var string
protected static $listPlaceHolder = "[[REPLACE_LIST_ITEM]]";
* Holds the type of list this is ol, ul, dl.
* @var string
protected $listType;
* Used to hold what type of list the old list is.
* @var string
protected $oldListType;
* Used to hold what type of list the new list is.
* @var string
protected $newListType;
* Hold the old/new content of the content of the list.
* @var array
protected $list;
* Contains the old/new child lists content within this list.
* @var array
protected $childLists;
* Contains the old/new text strings that match
* @var array
protected $textMatches;
* Contains the indexed start positions of each list within word string.
* @var array
protected $listsIndex;
* Array that holds the index of all content outside of the array. Format is array(index => content).
* @var array
protected $contentIndex = array();
* Holds the order and data on each list/content block within this list.
* @var array
protected $diffOrderIndex = array();
* This is the opening ol,ul,dl ist tag.
* @var string
protected $oldParentTag;
* This is the opening ol,ul,dl ist tag.
* @var string
protected $newParentTag;
* We're using the same functions as the parent in build() to get us to the point of
* manipulating the data within this class.
* @return string
public function build()
// Use the parent functions to get the data we need organized.
// Now use the custom functions in this class to use the data and generate our diff.
return $this->content;
* Calls to the actual custom functions of this class, to diff list content.
protected function diffListContent()
/* Format the list we're focusing on.
* There will always be one list, though passed as an array with one item.
* Format this to only have the list contents, outside of the array.
/* Build an index of content outside of list tags.
/* In cases where we're dealing with nested lists,
* make sure we use placeholders to replace the nested lists
/* Build a list of matches we can reference when we diff the contents of the lists.
* This is needed so that we each NEW list node is matched against the best possible OLD list node/
* It helps us determine whether the list was added, removed, or changed.
/* Go through the list of matches, content, and diff each.
* Any nested lists would be sent to parent's diffList function, which creates a new listDiff class.
* This function is used to populate both contentIndex and diffOrderIndex arrays for use in the diff function.
protected function indexContent()
$this->contentIndex = array();
$this->diffOrderIndex = array('new' => array(), 'old' => array());
foreach ($this->list as $type => $list) {
$this->contentIndex[$type] = array();
$depth = 0;
$parentList = 0;
$position = 0;
$newBlock = true;
$listCount = 0;
$contentCount = 0;
foreach ($list as $key => $word) {
if (!$parentList && $this->isOpeningListTag($word)) {
$this->diffOrderIndex[$type][] = array('type' => 'list', 'position' => $listCount, 'index' => $key);
if (!$parentList && $this->isClosingListTag($word)) {
if ($depth == 0) {
$newBlock = true;
if ($this->isOpeningIsolatedDiffTag($word)) {
if ($this->isClosingIsolatedDiffTag($word)) {
if ($depth == 0) {
if ($newBlock && !array_key_exists($contentCount, $this->contentIndex[$type])) {
$this->diffOrderIndex[$type][] = array('type' => 'content', 'position' => $contentCount, 'index' => $key);
$position = $contentCount;
$this->contentIndex[$type][$position] = '';
$this->contentIndex[$type][$position] .= $word;
$newBlock = false;
* This function is used to remove the wrapped ul, ol, or dl characters from this list
* and sets the listType as ul, ol, or dl, so that we can use it later.
* $list is being set here as well, as an array with the old and new version of this list content.
protected function formatThisListContent()
$formatArray = array(
array('type' => 'old', 'array' => $this->oldIsolatedDiffTags),
array('type' => 'new', 'array' => $this->newIsolatedDiffTags)
foreach ($formatArray as $item) {
$values = array_values($item['array']);
$this->list[$item['type']] = count($values)
? $this->formatList($values[0], $item['type'])
: array();
$this->listType = $this->newListType ?: $this->oldListType;
* @param array $arrayData
* @param string $index
* @return array
protected function formatList(array $arrayData, $index = 'old')
$openingTag = $this->getAndStripTag($arrayData[0]);
$closingTag = $this->getAndStripTag($arrayData[count($arrayData) - 1]);
if (array_key_exists($openingTag, $this->isolatedDiffTags) &&
array_key_exists($closingTag, $this->isolatedDiffTags)
) {
if ($index == 'new' && $this->isOpeningTag($arrayData[0])) {
$this->newParentTag = $arrayData[0];
$this->newListType = $this->getAndStripTag($arrayData[0]);
if ($index == 'old' && $this->isOpeningTag($arrayData[0])) {
$this->oldParentTag = $arrayData[0];
$this->oldListType = $this->getAndStripTag($arrayData[0]);
return $arrayData;
* @param string $tag
* @return string
protected function getAndStripTag($tag)
$content = explode(' ', preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $tag));
return $content[0];
protected function matchAndCompareLists()
* Build the an array (childLists) to hold the contents of the list nodes within this list.
* This only holds the content of each list node.
* Index the list, starting positions, so that we can refer back to it later.
* This is used to see where one list node starts and another ends.
* Compare the lists and build $textMatches array with the matches.
* Each match is an array of "new" and "old" keys, with the id of the list it matches to.
* Whenever there is no match (in cases where a new list item was added or removed), null is used instead of the id.
* Creates matches for lists.
protected function compareChildLists()
$this->createNewOldMatches($this->childLists, $this->textMatches, 'content');
* Abstracted function used to match items in an array.
* This is used primarily for populating lists matches.
* @param array $listArray
* @param array $resultArray
* @param string|null $column
protected function createNewOldMatches(&$listArray, &$resultArray, $column = null)
// Always compare the new against the old.
// Compare each new string against each old string.
$bestMatchPercentages = array();
foreach ($listArray['new'] as $thisKey => $thisList) {
$bestMatchPercentages[$thisKey] = array();
foreach ($listArray['old'] as $thatKey => $thatList) {
// Save the percent amount each new list content compares against the old list content.
$column ? $thisList[$column] : $thisList,
$column ? $thatList[$column] : $thatList,
$bestMatchPercentages[$thisKey][] = $percentage;
// Sort each array by value, highest percent to lowest percent.
foreach ($bestMatchPercentages as &$thisMatch) {
// Build matches.
$matches = array();
$taken = array();
$takenItems = array();
$absoluteMatch = 100;
foreach ($bestMatchPercentages as $item => $percentages) {
$highestMatch = -1;
$highestMatchKey = -1;
$takeItemKey = -1;
foreach ($percentages as $key => $percent) {
// Check that the key for the percentage is not already taken and the new percentage is higher.
if (!in_array($key, $taken) && $percent > $highestMatch) {
// If an absolute match, choose this one.
if ($percent == $absoluteMatch) {
$highestMatch = $percent;
$highestMatchKey = $key;
$takenItemKey = $item;
} else {
// Get all the other matces for the same $key
$columns = $this->getArrayColumn($bestMatchPercentages, $key);
$thisBestMatches = array_filter(
function ($v) use ($percent) {
return $v > $percent;
* If the list item does not meet the threshold, it will not be considered a match.
if ($percent >= self::$listMatchThreshold) {
// If no greater amounts, use this one.
if (!count($thisBestMatches)) {
$highestMatch = $percent;
$highestMatchKey = $key;
$takenItemKey = $item;
// Loop through, comparing only the items that have not already been added.
foreach ($thisBestMatches as $k => $v) {
if (in_array($k, $takenItems)) {
$highestMatch = $percent;
$highestMatchKey = $key;
$takenItemKey = $item;
$matches[] = array('new' => $item, 'old' => $highestMatchKey > -1 ? $highestMatchKey : null);
if ($highestMatchKey > -1) {
$taken[] = $highestMatchKey;
$takenItems[] = $takenItemKey;
/* Checking for removed items. Basically, if a list item from the old lists is removed
* it will not be accounted for, and will disappear in the results altogether.
* Loop through all the old lists, any that has not been added, will be added as:
* array( new => null, old => oldItemId )
$matchColumns = $this->getArrayColumn($matches, 'old');
foreach ($listArray['old'] as $thisKey => $thisList) {
if (!in_array($thisKey, $matchColumns)) {
$matches[] = array('new' => null, 'old' => $thisKey);
// Save the matches.
$resultArray = $matches;
* This fuction is exactly like array_column. This is added for PHP versions that do not support array_column.
* @param array $targetArray
* @param mixed $key
* @return array
protected function getArrayColumn(array $targetArray, $key)
$data = array();
foreach ($targetArray as $item) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $item)) {
$data[] = $item[$key];
return $data;
* Build multidimensional array holding the contents of each list node, old and new.
protected function buildChildLists()
$this->childLists['old'] = $this->getListsContent($this->list['old']);
$this->childLists['new'] = $this->getListsContent($this->list['new']);
* Diff the actual contents of the lists against their matched counterpart.
* Build the content of the class.
protected function diff()
// Add the opening parent node from listType. So if ol, <ol>, etc.
$this->content = $this->addListTypeWrapper();
$oldIndexCount = 0;
$diffOrderNewKeys = array_keys($this->diffOrderIndex['new']);
foreach ($this->diffOrderIndex['new'] as $key => $index) {
if ($index['type'] == "list") {
// Check to see if an old list was deleted.
$oldMatch = $this->getArrayByColumnValue($this->textMatches, 'old', $index['position']);
if ($oldMatch && $oldMatch['new'] === null) {
$newList = '';
$oldList = $this->getListByMatch($oldMatch, 'old');
$this->content .= $this->addListElementToContent($newList, $oldList, $oldMatch, $index, 'old');
$match = $this->getArrayByColumnValue($this->textMatches, 'new', $index['position']);
$newList = $this->childLists['new'][$match['new']];
$oldList = $this->getListByMatch($match, 'old');
$this->content .= $this->addListElementToContent($newList, $oldList, $match, $index, 'new');
if ($index['type'] == 'content') {
$this->content .= $this->addContentElementsToContent($oldIndexCount, $index['position']);
if ($key == $diffOrderNewKeys[count($diffOrderNewKeys) - 1]) {
foreach ($this->diffOrderIndex['old'] as $oldKey => $oldIndex) {
if ($oldKey > $key) {
if ($oldIndex['type'] == 'list') {
$oldMatch = $this->getArrayByColumnValue($this->textMatches, 'old', $oldIndex['position']);
if ($oldMatch && $oldMatch['new'] === null) {
$newList = '';
$oldList = $this->getListByMatch($oldMatch, 'old');
$this->content .= $this->addListElementToContent($newList, $oldList, $oldMatch, $oldIndex, 'old');
} else {
$this->content .= $this->addContentElementsToContent($oldKey);
// Add the closing parent node from listType. So if ol, </ol>, etc.
$this->content .= $this->addListTypeWrapper(false);
* @param string $newList
* @param string $oldList
* @param array $match
* @param array $index
* @return string
protected function addListElementToContent($newList, $oldList, array $match, array $index, $type)
$content = $this->list[$type][$index['index']];
$content .= $this->processPlaceholders(
$content .= "</li>";
return $content;
* @param integer $oldIndexCount
* @param null|integer $newPosition
* @return string
protected function addContentElementsToContent($oldIndexCount, $newPosition = null)
$newContent = $newPosition && array_key_exists($newPosition, $this->contentIndex['new'])
? $this->contentIndex['new'][$newPosition]
: '';
$oldDiffOrderIndexMatch = array_key_exists($oldIndexCount, $this->diffOrderIndex['old'])
? $this->diffOrderIndex['old'][$oldIndexCount]
: '';
$oldContent = $oldDiffOrderIndexMatch && array_key_exists($oldDiffOrderIndexMatch['position'], $this->contentIndex['old'])
? $this->contentIndex['old'][$oldDiffOrderIndexMatch['position']]
: '';
$diffObject = new HtmlDiff($oldContent, $newContent);
$content = $diffObject->build();
return $content;
* @param array $match
* @param string $type
* @return array|string
protected function getListByMatch(array $match, $type = 'new')
return array_key_exists($match[$type], $this->childLists[$type])
? $this->childLists[$type][$match[$type]]
: '';
* This function replaces array_column function in PHP for older versions of php.
* @param array $parentArray
* @param string $column
* @param mixed $value
* @param boolean $allMatches
* @return array|boolean
protected function getArrayByColumnValue($parentArray, $column, $value, $allMatches = false)
$returnArray = array();
foreach ($parentArray as $array) {
if (array_key_exists($column, $array) && $array[$column] == $value) {
if ($allMatches) {
$returnArray[] = $array;
} else {
return $array;
return $allMatches ? $returnArray : false;
* Converts the list (li) content arrays to string.
* @param array $listContentArray
* @return string
protected function convertListContentArrayToString($listContentArray)
if (!is_array($listContentArray)) {
return $listContentArray;
$content = array();
$words = explode(" ", $listContentArray['content']);
$nestedListCount = 0;
foreach ($words as $word) {
$match = $word == self::$listPlaceHolder;
$content[] = $match
? "<li>" . $this->convertListContentArrayToString($listContentArray['kids'][$nestedListCount]) . "</li>"
: $word;
if ($match) {
return implode(" ", $content);
* Return the contents of each list node.
* Process any placeholders for nested lists.
* @param string $text
* @param array $matches
* @return string
protected function processPlaceholders($text, array $matches)
// Prepare return
$returnText = array();
// Save the contents of all list nodes, new and old.
$contentVault = array(
'old' => $this->getListContent('old', $matches),
'new' => $this->getListContent('new', $matches)
$count = 0;
// Loop through the text checking for placeholders. If a nested list is found, create a new ListDiff object for it.
foreach (explode(' ', $text) as $word) {
$preContent = $this->checkWordForDiffTag($this->stripNewLine($word));
if (in_array(
is_array($preContent) ? $preContent[1] : $preContent,
) {
$oldText = array_key_exists($count, $contentVault['old']) ? implode('', $contentVault['old'][$count]) : '';
$newText = array_key_exists($count, $contentVault['new']) ? implode('', $contentVault['new'][$count]) : '';
$content = $this->diffList($oldText, $newText);
} else {
$content = $preContent;
$returnText[] = is_array($preContent) ? $preContent[0] . $content . $preContent[2] : $content;
// Return the result.
return implode(' ', $returnText);
* Checks to see if a diff tag is in string.
* @param string $word
* @return string
protected function checkWordForDiffTag($word)
foreach ($this->isolatedDiffTags as $diffTag) {
if (strpos($word, $diffTag) > -1) {
$position = strpos($word, $diffTag);
$length = strlen($diffTag);
$result = array(
substr($word, 0, $position),
substr($word, ($position + $length))
return $result;
return $word;
* Used to remove new lines.
* @param string $text
* @return string
protected function stripNewLine($text)
return trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $text));
* Grab the list content using the listsIndex array.
* @param string $indexKey
* @param array $matches
* @return array
protected function getListContent($indexKey = 'new', array $matches)
$bucket = array();
if (isset($matches[$indexKey]) && $matches[$indexKey] !== null) {
$start = $this->listsIndex[$indexKey][$matches[$indexKey]];
$stop = $this->findEndForIndex($this->list[$indexKey], $start);
for ($x = $start; $x <= $stop; $x++) {
if (in_array($this->list[$indexKey][$x], $this->isolatedDiffTags)) {
$bucket[] = $this->listIsolatedDiffTags[$indexKey][$x];
return $bucket;
* Finds the end of list within its index.
* @param array $index
* @param integer $start
* @return integer
protected function findEndForIndex(array $index, $start)
$array = array_splice($index, $start);
$count = 0;
foreach ($array as $key => $item) {
if ($this->isOpeningListTag($item)) {
if ($this->isClosingListTag($item)) {
if ($count === 0) {
return $start + $key;
return $start + count($array);
* indexLists
* Index the list, starting positions, so that we can refer back to it later.
* This is used to see where one list node starts and another ends.
protected function indexLists()
$this->listsIndex = array();
$count = 0;
foreach ($this->list as $type => $list) {
$this->listsIndex[$type] = array();
foreach ($list as $key => $listItem) {
if ($this->isOpeningListTag($listItem)) {
if ($count === 1) {
$this->listsIndex[$type][] = $key;
if ($this->isClosingListTag($listItem)) {
* Adds the opening or closing list html element, based on listType.
* @param boolean $opening
* @return string
protected function addListTypeWrapper($opening = true)
if ($opening) {
return $this->newParentTag ?: $this->oldParentTag;
} else {
return "<" . (!$opening ? "/" : '') . $this->listType . ">";
* Replace nested list with placeholders.
public function replaceListIsolatedDiffTags()
$this->listIsolatedDiffTags['old'] = $this->createIsolatedDiffTagPlaceholders($this->list['old']);
$this->listIsolatedDiffTags['new'] = $this->createIsolatedDiffTagPlaceholders($this->list['new']);
* Grab the contents of a list node.
* @param array $contentArray
* @param boolean $stripTags
* @return array
protected function getListsContent(array $contentArray, $stripTags = true)
$lematches = array();
$arrayDepth = 0;
$nestedCount = array();
foreach ($contentArray as $index => $word) {
if ($this->isOpeningListTag($word)) {
if (!array_key_exists($arrayDepth, $nestedCount)) {
$nestedCount[$arrayDepth] = 1;
} else {
if ($this->isClosingListTag($word)) {
if ($arrayDepth > 0) {
$this->addStringToArrayByDepth($word, $lematches, $arrayDepth, 1, $nestedCount);
return $lematches;
* This function helps build the list content array of a list.
* If a list has another list within it, the inner list is replaced with the list placeholder and the inner list
* content becomes a child of the parent list.
* This goes recursively down.
* @param string $word
* @param array $array
* @param integer $targetDepth
* @param integer $thisDepth
* @param array $nestedCount
protected function addStringToArrayByDepth($word, array &$array, $targetDepth, $thisDepth, array $nestedCount)
// determine what depth we're at
if ($targetDepth == $thisDepth) {
// decide on what to do at this level
if (array_key_exists('content', $array)) {
$array['content'] .= $word;
} else {
// if we're on depth 1, add content
if ($nestedCount[$targetDepth] > count($array)) {
$array[] = array('content' => '', 'kids' => array());
$array[count($array) - 1]['content'] .= $word;
} else {
// create first kid if not exist
$newArray = array('content' => '', 'kids' => array());
if (array_key_exists('kids', $array)) {
if ($nestedCount[$targetDepth] > count($array['kids'])) {
$array['kids'][] = $newArray;
$array['content'] .= self::$listPlaceHolder;
// continue to the next depth
// get last kid and send to next depth
$array['kids'][count($array['kids']) - 1],
} else {
if ($nestedCount[$targetDepth] > count($array[count($array) - 1]['kids'])) {
$array[count($array) - 1]['kids'][] = $newArray;
$array[count($array) - 1]['content'] .= self::$listPlaceHolder;
// continue to the next depth
// get last kid and send to next depth
$array[count($array) - 1]['kids'][count($array[count($array) - 1]['kids']) - 1],
* Checks if text is opening list tag.
* @param string $item
* @return boolean
protected function isOpeningListTag($item)
if (preg_match("#<li[^>]*>\\s*#iU", $item)) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if text is closing list tag.
* @param string $item
* @return boolean
protected function isClosingListTag($item)
if (preg_match("#</li[^>]*>\\s*#iU", $item)) {
return true;
return false;